Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Is Passing...

Hey Kids,

So the summer is flying've had some really interesting comments so far...but, alas, many of you have not yet posted. Don't let the summer pass you by....

Best book I've read this summer: Let the Great World Spin....anyone else read anything good (other than, of course, your great summer reading)?

Ms. Clapp


Monika said...

I re-read A Million Little Pieces this summer. Great great greatttt book. Definitely recommend it.

Nidale Z. said...

You Shall Know Our Velocity! was spectacular. I highly recommend it.

Unknown said...

After reading about Nikolai Gogol, I decided to read some Russian literature.
Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky was superb. By far the best book I have read in quite some time.